Investigators & Research Teams
List of Studies and Participating Study-Centres
- For a list of active studies, please contact one of the OCREB office personnel.
Annotated Versions of the CTO Stream Application Forms
To assist Applicants with the interpretation of the questions in the CTO Stream Application Forms, OCREB has prepared application forms with notes or comments added to explain many of the questions:
- CTO Provincial Initial Application (PIA) Annotated Application 20-Apr-2021
- CTO Centre Initial Application (CIA) Annotated Application Form 14-Dec-2023
- CTO Provincial Amendment (PAM) Annotated Application Form 13-Apr-2023
- CTO Centre Amendment (CAM) Annotated Application Form 10-Mar-2021
- CTO Provincial Reportable Event (PRE) Annotated Application 20-Apr-2021
- CTO Centre Reportable Event (CRE) Annotated Application Form 10-Mar-2021
- CTO Provincial Continuing Review (PCR) Annotated Application 20-Apr-2021
- CTO Centre Continuing Review (CCR) Annotated Application Form 19-May-2023
- CTO Provincial Study Closure (PSC) Annotated Form 20-Apr-2021
- CTO Centre Study Closure (CSC) Annotated Application Form 10-Mar-2021
OCREB/Centre Meetings 2024
- OCREB Webinar Slides – June 13th, 2024 **NEW
- Since 2006, OCREB has been hosting monthly sessions for study staff at its affiliated oncology centres to provide education, to share noteworthy items affecting the research community and to promote dialogue on research participant protection. The sessions also provide a forum for communicating updates on relevant regulations and guidelines and their interpretation and implementation, as well as on OCREB policies, procedures and guidelines.
- Dates (first Friday of the month from 9am to 10am):
- Friday, October 2, 2020 -SCHEDULED
- Friday, September 4, 2020 -CANCELLED
- Friday, August 7, 2020 -CANCELLED
- Friday, July 3, 2020 -CANCELLED
- Friday, June 5, 2020 -CANCELLED
- Friday, May 1, 2020 -CANCELLED
- Friday, April 3, 2020 -CANCELLED
- To view the monthly meeting summaries for 2020, go to Monthly Centre Meetings-2020
- To view the monthly meeting summaries for 2019, go to Monthly Centre Meetings-2019
- To view the monthly meeting summaries for 2018, go to Monthly Centre Meetings-2018
OCREB Mandate
OCREB’s mandate is restricted to multi-centre clinical trials, where multi-centre is defined as more than one participating Ontario centre, and clinical trial is defined as any research that prospectively assigns human participants to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes.
OCREB will accept a new study with only one confirmed participating centre, providing the sponsor is actively looking for and is confident that a second centre will agree to participate. Because cooperative group studies generally include more than one centre in Ontario, OCREB will accept the submission of all cooperative group (e.g., CCTG, NRG) multi-centre clinical trials even if a second centre has not been identified by the Provincial Applicant (PA) at the time of initial submission.
Beginning in May 2015, OCREB began accepting non-phase 1, multi-centre Children’s Oncology Group pediatric clinical trials, as the first pediatric trials reviewed by OCREB. “The Children’s Oncology Group (COG), a National Cancer Institute supported clinical trials group, is the world’s largest organization devoted exclusively to childhood and adolescent cancer research.”
Studies that meet OCREB’s mandate may be sponsored by academia, by co-operative groups or by industry/pharmaceutical companies. Approximately 50% of the submissions received by OCREB are industry-sponsored and 50% are sponsored by academia or cooperative groups, including investigator-initiated trials.
How OCREB Works
There are two major steps for obtaining OCREB approval to conduct a study at each centre. The first step is the submission of the new study via the provincial initial application (PIA). Once the PIA is approved by OCREB, the next step is the submission of a centre initial application (CIA) by each participating centre. Part of what makes OCREB effective as a central review board, as well as more efficient for multi-centre studies is the fact that only one investigator is required to submit the provincial application to OCREB. This investigator, or Provincial Applicant (PA) submits to OCREB on behalf of all participating centres in Ontario, the initial submission as well as all subsequent study-wide submissions such as amendments, safety reports, etc.
For more information on how OCREB works, download the OCREB Overview [November 07, 2018]
How to Apply
Applications to OCREB must be prepared and submitted in CTO Stream – CTO’s online submission system – using the CTO Stream clinical trial application forms. For information about CTO Stream, go to CTO Stream User Manuals & Application Form Templates. For questions related to CTO Stream, contact CTO Support at 1-877-715-2700 or
For more information about using CTO Stream, please refer to the Fact Sheets below
- CTO Stream PIA Factsheet for OCREB Users
- CTO Stream Provincial Post-Approval Factsheet for OCREB Users
- CTO Stream CIA Factsheet for OCREB Users
- CTO Stream Centre Post-Approval Factsheet for OCREB Users
NOTE. All OCREB requirements as found in its policies, procedures and consent form templates remain in effect.
OCREB Consent Form Templates
OCREB’s consent form templates for use in adult oncology trials were developed by a national common consent form working group, which now includes CCTG, OCREB, British Columbia Cancer Agency REB, Clinical Trials Ontario (CTO), Alberta Innovates, University of Saskatchewan REB and Eastern Health. OCREB also collaborates with its affiliated Ontario centres in the ongoing development of the templates. All provincially approved consent forms must follow the OCREB templates, and once approved, are pre-approved for adoption by the participating centres with the implementation of pre-approved, administrative changes and minimal (or no) centre-specific changes.
The OCREB consent form templates mandated for use in all current pediatric trials, have been developed in consultation with the pediatric centres, and in collaboration with COG’s template requirements.
The use of common consent forms promotes consistency in the written materials given to participants, assists with the REB review process, establishes an excellent use of ethics resources through the collaborative process, and reduces duplication of efforts. The OCREB templates are mandated for all studies submitted to OCREB.
OCREB attempts to keep sponsors and CROs apprised of consent form template changes, to ensure that there is support for and compliance with the use of the templates. In the spirit of collaboration and in recognition of global responsibilities, OCREB is willing to negotiate with sponsors for sponsor-specific consent form language, as applicable. If a sponsor or CRO is unwilling to follow the OCREB template, please contact the OCREB Executive Director.